"Momma, huggg!"
This picture says it all. It's what Mother's Day is all about. A child sharing with their Mother all the love that the Mother has bestowed to them. It can be a handmade card or a craft. Una's way at this point is with a special hug reserved for special times. This was one of those moments.
Sally, you're a terrific Mom. Una and I are so lucky to have you. We love you -- more everyday.
Mother's Day 2008 was terrific. While at the
Naval Base in Newport, RI last week for a haircut I had the bright idea of perhaps doing brunch at the Officer's Club (aka O'Club) for Mother's Day. Sally loves special occasions and a chance to dress-up. Una, being her Mother's daughter, does, too. I knew Sally's Mom had enjoyed the O'Club in the past. Her father and brother Andy were both Naval Officers. It would be the perfect choice. I'd get to please the two local Moms in my life (more about the remotes Moms in my life in a bit.) So, on the Wednesday before Mother's Day I called the IT&T (the base ticket office) to see about getting tickets. Sally and her Mom were heading to Newport on Thursday and perhaps they could pickup the tickets. "No problem," say the nice lady at IT&T. "They can purchase and pickup tickets on Thursday just fine." In the words of GW (aka Dummy) "Mission Accomplished". Thursday arrives, Sally and her Mom (Una, too), head to Newport and the IT&T office. The conversation went something like this, "We'd like to get tickets for the Mother's Day O'Club Brunch." "Sold Out!" "What?" "Oh, by any chance did your husband call yesterday?" "Yes." "Oh, thank goodness. I neglected to tell him to make a reservation. These tickets have been selling like hotcakes. I felt so bad knowing you'd be coming down to purchase tickets today. I put five aside for you. You've got the last five reservations." "Whew!" Now, unlike GW, I don't have to retract my "Mission Accomplished". Thanks nice lady at IT&T.
So, Sunday arrives. Una, being the good girl she is, not only lets Mom sleep in, but Dad, too. Una and I head out for bagels, and of course, flowers. We enjoyed a nice special morning for Mom.

Before heading to Newport for bunch I of course had to call my Mom. I ran across this picture and I think it's fantasitc. It has "MOM" written all over it. (not literally as I'm not yet into photo editting) Mom was always in the kitchen. I probably gave my Mom more cookbooks and kitchen gadgets for Mother's Day than I can remember. I must confess, I think I bought the "
veg-O-matic" more for me than Mom. It was so cool to make homemade fries. I digress. Mom and Dad were enjoying the weekend in Pollock Pines when I called. Nothing huge planned for the day other than being with family. Dad was surely up at the crack of dawn and the coffee was waiting when Mom awoke.

Unfortunately, I called to early to catch my sister who I knew would be joining them. Here's a great pic of Marian with her grandson. It too reflects a mother's (or grandmother's) love.

Nana and Gramps arrive for the drive to Newport. I took the route that brings us over the Newport Bridge (Gramps normally coming from Westport doesn't get that view so he particularly enjoyed it). It was an absolutely gorgeous day and the ride was nice. Brunch at the O'Club was very nice. We had a nice table for five. Una was terrific and enjoyed the brunch. I think the bacon was her favorite menu item with the jello and whipped cream a close second. After brunch we got to enjoy the deck at the O'Club. The O'Club is situated right on the southern point of
Coaster's Harbor Island. It overlooks the Newport Bridge and Goat Island. You get views of
Jamestown, Newport, and the mouth of Narragansett Bay. The deck wraps around to the West for nice views of the historic Naval War College. With the weather so great, it made for excellent photos. The one of Sally and Una above was obviously taken at this time.
After brunch we had a nice leisurely drive around the historic Point section of Newport, down by the beaches, out to the
Sachuest's Point National Wildlife Refuge, and then a drive on Indian Ave which faces the
Sakonnet River (it's not really a river, but...). It was a terrific day for a drive.
All in all it was a GREAT day. I think Nana and Sally really enjoyed their day.
Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to personally wish the rest of the Mom's in our lives a Happy Mother's Day on the actual day. Here they are with hopes that their Mother's Day was filled with love and family.

Sister-in-law Jen posing with our darling nephew Emmett.
Grammie with Gramps on her visit to "da bucket" in February.

Jenn and Ashley's Mom, Tina. Ashley took this shot and it supposedly turned into a laugh-fest. While I knew both girls would wish their Mom a Happy Mother's Day it made me proud that they both took the time to call and wish Sally a Happy Mother's Day, too. Nice job, girls.