Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas, Jenn and Ashley
Each year I get excited about setting up the tree. Sally and I have some wonderful ornaments we've gathered over our few years together. Hanging them brings out some great memories of the wonderful times we had gathering them, and the great places we've been fortunate to visit. This year is even more special as Una is old enough to appreciate what is happening. She's excited about Santa, and enjoyed seeing the different ornaments as we pulled them out of the storage boxes. Since she's told not to touch the tree, she's so cute in leaning in to smell it.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Mmmmm...fresh snow

Mmmmm...fresh snow
Originally uploaded by The Three Bucketeers
I'm just testing the posting of a photo from Flickr to our blog.
This is a cute picture of Una when we had our first snow (12/7) of the year. She really enjoyed it. She's giggling here because she was eating the snow and Sally was telling her how she likes to eat snow, too.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Una's Womb Diary
I Have A Heartbeat! - Thursday, March 02, 2006
I was naked as a jaybird and a wonderful ultrasound technician showed me off to Mom and Dad. They got to see my heart beat at about 170 beats per minute. Mom and Dad cried. I got my first line on the height chart. I'm 2.4cm tall. Oh, yeah, I'm 9w0d today.
2nd Doctor Visit - Thursday, March 16, 2006
Mom and Dad went to the doctor's again today. The doctor asked a few questions then poked and prodded a bit. Something about wanting to hear my heartbeat. The doc found it immediately with a thing called a doppler. The doctor was happy that my heart was beating strongly and at the right pace for my young age. Mom and Dad were quite relieved to hear it. I overheard them say they'd be back in two weeks to listen again. I'll be bigger and stronger then. Oh, yeah, it was my birthday today. I was 11w0d.
Mom was so happy to hear my heart beating that she and Dad treated themselves to a shopping spree. Mom bought lots of new clothes for when I make her present ones a bit to tight. :-)
Doctor Appointment - Thursday, March 30, 2006
We went to the doctor's office again today. Seemed like a different place, but I overheard Mom & Dad mentioning that our doctor has multiple offices. Someone poked me a bit and I squiggled away, but I could tell by Mom and Dad's reaction that they heard my heart beating again. 150-160 beats per minute the doc said to Dad. Right on course. I'm 13w0d today and the doc said I've moved into the second trimester -- whatever that is.
Today's my eldest half-sister birthday. Happy Birthday, Jenn. You, too, Ashley. Dad mentioned yours was on Monday. I can't wait to meet you both.
Vacation - Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Well, I went on my first vacation this weekend. Mom & Dad had a relaxing time on
Ultrasound Showed It's A Girl!!!!! - Friday, May 05, 2006
Well, well, secret's out. I'M A GIRL!!!
My heart's beating about 140 beats per minute. I have a couple of nice kidneys, all four chambers of my heart, good looking heart valves, too. I have lots of room to roll around in here. That will change I hear as I grow even bigger.
I've been letting Mom know I'm here a few times a day. Nothing too noticeable, but something just the same. I'll give her more notice as I get bigger.
Happy Cinco de Mayo.
Letting them know I'm here - Thursday, June 08, 2006
I entered my 23rd week today. Mom and Dad always get a kick out of the weekly milestones. I've been letting Mom know I'm doing fine with a kick here and there. She's even had Dad try to feel, but I'm just not strong enough yet to kick that hard. Patience, Dad. :-)
Dad felt me move - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I had a quiet day today as Mom and Nana strolled the beach. Figured I'd keep quiet for the day. Of course, I let Mom know I was doing okay with a few stretches and kicks around dinner time. Dad tried to feel my kicks, but I like to tease him and went quiet. Mom went to bed and I decided it was time to let Dad in on Mom and my secret. I was kicking away and Mom grabbed Dad's hand and put it on her growing belly. One good kick and Dad was a bundle of smiles. Mom, too. I continued for just a bit and Dad felt another one. Mom and Dad seem happy. I guess they are just glad to know I'm doing okay. I like it in here, but it is definitely getting more crowded as I grow. I'm looking forward to October, as I know Mom and Dad are.
Dad stressing? - Monday, July 24, 2006
Dad took a peek today at the pregnancy calendar and realized there were only 73 more days until I'm due. I think he's starting to stress. He told Mom he has lots of work to do in my room. Wallpaper, paint, light fixture. I don't think I'll really be to worried about that stuff for awhile. I sure hope Mom picks a nice decor for me. I'm quite certain she will.
Chill Dad. :-)
49 Days!!!! - Thursday, August 17, 2006
I'm due to bust out of here in 49 days. I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the world. It's becoming a tight squeeze in here. I think Mom will be happy to hold me on the outside, too.
Mom and Dad are really starting to get excited. They seem worried, however, whether they'll have everything ready. Mom & Dad are picking up my stroller today. They ordered a really comfy glider. Mom tried out many. I think Mom and I will spend lots of time in that chair. Dad asked this morning if he too could enjoy some quality time with me in it.
Well, I'll check in again in a few weeks. I heard they were going to take more pictures of me at the week 36 ultrasound.
Gee, this is tough - Saturday, September 30, 2006
Only five more days until my scheduled arrival. I'm working hard and growing. I've been giving Mom a hard time as I'm trying get myself in position to join the world. It's a little cramped in here. Can't wait to breathe some fresh air (do that have that in RI?)
Dad's talked to me about how nice my nursery looks. He says Mom did a GREAT job in decorating. I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing all the wonderful things there.
Hopefully my next note will be to tell you I made my grand entrance.
I Was Born! - Monday, October 02, 2006
I busted out early. WooHoo!!! I ruptured Mom's membranes at 6:45pm on October 1st. Oh my gosh, my safe little womb started contracting like crazy. Mom called the nice doctor who said to get home, get your bag, and get to the hospital as he was there. Dad drove with both hands on the wheel (quite unusual for him I've heard). Arrived safely at the hospital at 8pm and I was born at 2:41am on October 2nd.
I don't know what this means, but they told me I scored a 9-9. Mom and Dad are sure happy!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Who Knew - I do windows
- The wall-to-wall carpet
- The draperies in the living room
- The draperies in the bedroom
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Meet the Grandparents
We got to join my folks for a late dinner at Maggiano's, followed by a rainy windy visit of historic Philadelphia, and then a tour of Valley Forge. We wrapped up our short visit with a relaxing stay at home evening. It was a fun, but too short, visit.
We have some great memories to share with Una.
Since Sally's grandmother lives in the area we stopped in for homemade brunch with Grammie and Uncle Ted. Fun time, which included a trip to the Farmer's Market for some great Lancaster Valley treats (Sweet Lebanon Bologna...mmmmmmm. Oh, and a terrific peach pie)
As I said, a fun time, but too short.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween 2008
Mommy and I carved a pumpkin. Isn't my Halloween dress cute, too?
Here I am with my friends. Dadda says we're all very cute.
Nana, me and Mommy (Lucy)Trick or Treat in Westport Point, MA
Monday, October 20, 2008
Barre Run 2008
Barre, MA is where Sally's great grandparents settled after her great grandfather completed medical school. He and his wife lived the rest of their lives in Barre. He, Merle, was the local doctor, his wife Blanche was an artist.
The final stop is the Barre Mill Restaurant for lunch/dinner (I guess that would be supper to some). Three years ago when we did this run, it was Una's restaurant debut. Sally was recalling how fearful she was that little two-week old Una would disturb the locals. She did fine, as she did last year. Now this year...well, if the service hadn't been slower than molasses perhaps Una would not have lost patience with sitting quietly at the table. Oh, well. I guess some waitresses just aren't accustomed to serving families with children. Seeing that 80% of the people entering for the Sunday noon to 4pm specials walked with canes, maybe that's understandable.
Another wonderful run to Barre. We're already looking forward to next year's adventure.
Five Wonderful Years
Thank you Sally for being my best friend and my wife. You make my life complete.
Here's a little clip of how it all started:
Smith Castle
I was impressed. If you haven't driven around Quonset it's worth a couple of hours on a nice afternoon. Enough about Quonset. This is about Smith Castle.
We followed-up our visit to Smith Castle with a further drive South along Rt 1 to Wakefield. Sally was in need of a Mew's fix and I'm never one to shy away from one of their 69 microbrews on tap.
In case you haven't guessed it, it was a great day. Oh, more pictures of our time at Smith Castle can be seen on the slideshow on the upper right of our blog site (or linked here.)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Oktoberfest at Redlefsen's
It really was a traditional Oktoberfest with all the German food, German beers, OOM-PAH PAH Band, and Bavarian Dancers. It was a wonderful evening. Sally and I reminisced about our 2004 trip to The Christmas Markets of Europe which allowed us to visit much of Bavaria and experience this type of evening first hand.
The evening was really special. I've added to my stein collection with a nice Warsteiner "Das Boot" complete with neck lanyard.
Thanks Nana and Gramps, we had a great time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Immigrants - An Appreciation
As I've navigated through my branch of the tree I've found some wonderful documents which show when, where and how my maternal grandparents arrived in this country. As a child I knew my grandparents as elderly people who spoke no or only broken English. I was just a kid and they were old and talked differently. My memories include my grandmother always in the kitchen, always with an apron on, and the only word I remember her saying to me was, "mangia". My grandfather being tall, often sitting in his rocking chair, and his cardigan sweater on. The documentation I have found gives me more of a sense of who they are, but not a picture of how their early lives in this country might have been.
Surprisingly, not through my research through, but rather through my garage cleanup work, I think I have a better view of their lives.
On Saturday as I was cleaning the garage I came upon an old, but large portable A/C. I put it at the street with a sign reading, "FREE (works)". It sat there for two days without a nibble. Monday I loaded it into the back of the wagon and off to the Salvation Army I went. "Sorry, we can't take that," was the greeting from the SA attendant. Back home with the A/C to sit on the front lawn again. While Sally and I worked outside an elderly man and woman stopped to look at the A/C. Sally hollered that it was theirs if they wanted it. Some discussion ensued (not in English) and then they started to carry it off. Now this A/C must weigh at least 75 pounds, is bulky and it's tough for two to carry. They got about five feet and I could see on the woman's face this was not going to work. I hurried down the driveway offering to help. She thanked me in a non-verbal way. "So, where are we going? Where's the car?" No car, apartment is a block away. Down the hill we go. The elderly gentleman and I take about ten steps and he starts to wheeze. "I have emphysema." Visions race through my head - none good. We eventually make it to the apartment and they motioned to just leave the A/C outside the stairs to the apartment. Figuring they had help there I did just that and headed home. 20 minutes later I'm feeling a bit concerned so I take a peek from the end of the driveway. There they are attempting to pickup the A/C unit. I whistled my loudest whistle and got their attention. "Put it down I gestured" and jogged on down to help. They had the window open and ready for the A/C. There was no way two people were going to make it into the apartment carrying the A/C so I volunteered.
I entered what I thought was going to be the living room. It was not. It was THE room; maybe 10x12 (there was a single door to a utility looking room which had to serve as closet and bathroom (I hope). ) Regardless, I got the unit in the window ready for their use.
The apartment was filled with religious ornaments. It reminded me of a room in my grandparents home. Madonna statues abound. As I left and walked back to our modest home I could not help but think that probably was how my grandparents lived when they first arrived in this country. Take whatever space they could afford. They managed.
My grandparents came to this country trying to build a better life for their future family. The couple I helped probably were doing the same only a century later. Good luck with that. I'll be peeking down the street to help when I can. It just seems right.
Friday, October 17, 2008
When Work is Not Work
This past weekend we had an opportunity to do "work" which I've put off too long. We had our roof replaced last week and we had a nice big dumpster sitting in our driveway. It was 3/4 full, but that meant we had a place to dump some stuff from the garage. You know a garage, a place for that 30 years or so of accumulated junk; a place for high school schoolbooks, hundreds of fantasy sci-fi paperbacks, college schoolbooks (in languages I could not begin to read -- Greek); and, treasured memories. Oh, and maybe a car? You think?
Anyway, I jumped into pitching anything not salvageable. What qualifies as not salvageable you might ask? Unfortunately, some things were not in such great condition thanks to leaving bird seed out in the open in the garage one Winter. Mice just love bird seed it seems, and mice need a home, and mice need materials to make a home from. You know things like paper from books (particularly paperbacks). Things like old running shirts you were saving from back in the day when you use to be thin and run? (Yeah, I did that). Things like college dorm clothes someone boxed up and had "Dad" look after.
When I was done the dumpster was full, and believe it or not, I could actually fit a car in the garage. Go figure!!!
I still have a ways to go...Jenn, you had alot of stuff. I have found some wonderful treasures which I hope to share in some future blog. For now I'm just enjoying the memories the treasures I discovered bring me.
Oh, and in case you're wondering what Sally was doing while I went through my junk in the garage, well she found her own "work", that being to tackle scraping and painting the front door and trim. We've been saying we're going to do that for ages, and Sally just went and did it. The front door now looks good enough to adorn one of those posters "Doors of [fill-in the blank]" I haven't seen a Doors of DaBucket yet...hmmm, now there's another project for another day.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Oktoberfest 2008

The beer from Mayflower, Wachusetts, Nantucket's Cisco, Newport Storm, and Buzzards Bay were all fantastic. The Pilgrim IPA from Mayflower was my personal favorite for the day.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy Second Birthday, Una
Love, Mommy and Dadda
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Four Generations
It's difficult for four generations to get together when family can be so spread out. This is actually the first time all nine of us were together. The last time we all got together there were only eight (Emmett wasn't born yet), and that was nearly two years ago for Una's Christening.
"Grammie" is the last remaining "great" for Una. As we enjoyed face-to-face family interactions, browsing through old pictures, hearing stories of past family members, and even looking at Una's maternal family tree (back to the 1600's), it struck me that I am very delinquent in leaving a legacy for my descendants. I have therefore started work on a family website, including a family tree. I'll be taking baby steps in this endeavor as I'm aware of some very legitimate privacy concerns.
Grammie was nice enough to let me borrow a number of photo albums which I've begun scanning the photos from. There are quite a few and someday I hope to be able to caption and categorize them. I'll be doing the same with photos my parents have sent me, as well as old photos I have, and Nana and Gramps have, as well. When I open up the family website to others, I hope other family members will add treasured photos to share.
Along with the scanning project Sally and I have begun the process of documenting the family tree. We've just scratched the surface and already are having alot of fun in our detective work to find our ancestry. In just two days we've documented 223 family members. It can be quite addicting. I hope you don't see us on Intervention soon! I'm sure we'll be reaching out to many family members for help in this project. What's in our tree is often linked to yours.
We had a terrific visit with family and as an added bonus I left with a reinvogorated goal to document family history both in a timeline and in photos. I hope you'll follow along in our efforts.
Talk soon...John
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A short clip of our Una
Just thought I'd share a little bit of Una enjoying her nursery rhymes. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed taping it.
P.S. I'm also learning about how to post video.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Food for thought
(See the blog here at
The author wrote about a question that her mom had posed to her, essentially asking what would be on a list of things to do if you suddenly learned that you only had weeks to live. Kate's response was poignant, focusing on expressions of affection and concern for her children and spouse. I agreed with the importance of her ideas, and in my response added an item that would be featured prominently on my own "list"... writing out a collection of family recipes for Una.
Food plays a central role in our lives, and an especially emotional one for me. I sometimes joke that for us, "food equals love", but it truly does. I show my love and respect for my husband and daughter by doing my best to create meals for us to enjoy together. Mom and Dad host us for dinner every Sunday, so no matter how hectic our lives get, we have a day to gather and enjoy one another. When someone is born, we cook. When someone dies, we cook. It's what we know how to do.
I will never be a "skinny minnie" - there is just too much to lose (figuratively and realistically) in denying myself the pleasure of cooking and sharing with abandon. If I love you, I'll cook for you. Doesn't everyone feel that way? How can you take care of someone if you don't feed them? I don't know, and hope I never know, what a house with a sparkling-clean and oft-empty kitchen feels like. It must be cold.
John and I planned a small "feed the patient" get-together for Dan and his family last weekend before he was scheduled to have serious surgery this week. Mom and I made some wonderful things, and I feel comforted knowing I did what I could to help warm the soul (and the belly) of a dear friend who is facing his own crisis, even if he was the only person who was able to share the meal with us. I remember my grandfather saying that a bit of extra weight was simply good insurance to carry around - everyone needs "reserves" in case they get sick. I'm sorry, Dan, that I didn't get more of a chance to help you put some meat on your bones - but I'm not going to waste another day feeling badly because I have more than enough in "reserve" - of food, laughter, caring and affection (and rear end!!) - to go around.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lunch from Lees: Twenty dollars
A sail through Westport Harbor aboard Ruddy Rye: Priceless
What a fantastic Saturday I had. While it started off with a huge headache thanks to a bit of over indulgence from Friday night, we managed to hit the beach by 10am. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. Even the life guard mentioned it was a 10. Una had her usual fun at the beach, although was not interested in getting into the water above ankle depth. She was content climbing on Nana and digging in the sand.
After the beach it was time for lunch and a grocery run was in order. More about the grocery run and reason later.
I'm sure you're not interested in my every hour recap of my weekend life, but I wanted to set the stage for the last half of the day. Plus, you can't play on the MasterCard theme without providing at least some details of the events.

While I love writing this blog, and I know some enjoy how I write, I know I will not be able to adequately explain just how much Gramps and I enjoyed the inaugural sail aboard Ruddy Rye. I'll do my best just the same.
We motored away from the dock and down river just a bit to an area just off crack rock. During the ride Gramps pointed out the main, the jib, the halyard, the centerboard, etc. Despite my 21+ years in the U.S. Navy, I never took to sailing. I've probably only been on a sailboat three times in my life. The first experience left me blue - I think literally. The second I was more awestruck by the competency of the helmsman as he maneuvered a Shields through the mooring field in Newport Harbor. The third, was a pleasant ride around Newport/Jamestown harbor with our good friends Robin and Marvin, but due to mechanical problems it was mostly motor assisted (a good time none-the-less). Since that last sail Sally and I have purchased our own motor boat and I've become accustomed to the whine of the engine (when it's running, but that's another story which would make this blog way too long). Anyway, Gramps and I reached "Crack Rock". I handed over the main sail halyard and prepared to "hoist the main". He cut the engine, dropped the rudder, and we hoisted the main. Suddenly we were on the move without a sound. We dropped the centerboard and Gramps with tiller in hand, guided us towards the West Branch of the Westport River. As we cruised through the harbor Gramps explained theories of sailing, how to gauge wind direction, etc. We also both just took in the serenity of sailing. Ruddy Rye is only 17 feet in length so it's not a big sailboat. When seated in the boat your almost at water's level. The sounds were simple; the lapping of the waves against the hull, the flutter of the sail as the wind turns from point to point, the chirping of the sea birds who's flight path we were crossing. As Gramps said, "Aren't the sounds great? No engine noises. Is there anything better?" Probably not. It was a truly relaxing way to be on the water. While I was just crew and along for the ride, I could tell Gramps was enjoying his experience as well. He had the added bonus of feeling the boat with tiller in hand. I know it was relaxing for him as well.
We approached the harbor side shoreline and it was time for a tack. Tack we did and Gramps said let's put up the jib. I grabbed the jib halyard and hoisted away. The jib filled with air, and it was like the boat hit 5th gear. As Emeril would say, "We kicked it up a notch". It was really while under said with both the main and the jib that you could feel the power a light wind can create. It was thrilling. Gramps guided us through some beautiful ocean going sailboats. I'm sure they have their pluses in being able to travel to distant places, but I'm hard pressed to think the experience would be any better than the one I was fortunate to experience on Saturday afternoon.
Thanks Gramps. And, Nana the next time Gramps invites you for a sail you should take him up on the offer. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
I mentioned earlier more about the grocery run. We needed to get all the fixin's for a good New England Clam Chowder. An old boyfriend of Sally's, and now a friend of mine, too, is scheduled for some surgery on Tuesday. I won't go into details, but surgery is a scary proposition. Sally wanted to show her support by having Dan and his wife to dinner on Sunday. She also thought it would be nice to invite some mutual friends to share their support, as well. It was all very last minute. It turned out to just be Sally's folks and Dan. Others wanted to join us, but schedules just did not permit it. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Dan.
My thoughts and prayers are kind of stretched thin right now. The wife of a co-worker of mine is facing some serious medical issues. Steve and Cathy, my thoughts and prayers were out there for you, too.
Any readers of this blog so inclined, please keep Dan, Ginger, Cathy and Steve in your thoughts. I know they'll appreciate it and I will, too.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Summer, Where Did You Go?
We've had the good fortune to actually have a really nice Summer. Lots of time at the beach in Westport, work and play in our backyard, Sundays at Nana and Gramps for dinners on the back deck, and drinks on the deck at The Back Eddy. Oh, and who can forget our great vacation to Westport.
While the Summer has indeed been great, I've missed a few things. Not one round of golf, not one cast from the rod, and only a couple of trips on the boat. I'm not complaining (well, I'm complaining about how the boat has run yet again this year) as time with family and friends have been great. I've enjoyed tremendously watching Una at a point where she can really enjoy outdoor activities. If you read this blog regularly you already know he just loves the beach. And, she loves anything to do with a playground. Saturday night Sally didn't sleep well so when Una awoke at 6:22am (yes unfortunately I noted the time when I crawled out of bed) I got up with her so Sally could sleep. After a couple episodes of "Blues Clues" I thought Una would enjoy a walk. We made it down to the park at the end of Blackstone. We drive by this park often and a few months ago when Una first discovered swings, that was all she'd say as we passed in the car. I thought she'd enjoy some time on the swings, but found that she also enjoyed climbing to the top of the "big kids" slide. No little four step slide for Una. Noooo...she needed to climb the one that was probably ten steps and a foot over my 6'5" high head. She climbed with ease, stood at the top (the most nerve-racking) and then proceeded to sit and slide down. She slid slowly thanks to the rubber soled shoes she had on. At the bottom, turn and run for the stairs. It was a fun time. Did I mention that I found not one empty plastic juice bottle, empty frozen ice container, or any used diapers? (If you don't get that you missed my Aretha blog). Bravo to those that use this playground. Now, how about the Providence Parks Department doing something about grading so that the walkways don't become impassable for strollers due to mud with the slightest hint of rain? Oh, and can you turn on that lovely Art Deco fountain? Wouldn't that be an enjoyable site for local residents? (Wait: in searching for a link for the fountain I found this blog. Seems I'm not alone in my desire to see this fountain operating again.)
With Summer coming to a close Sally and I have our eyes set on a trip to Philly in September to visit Grammie. Jeff, Jen and Emmett will be visiting, too. We can't wait to see them. Una's all excited to see her cousin. Then October has another trip to Philly when my folks are there for a trip they are taking. Sally and I are also looking forward as Summer winds down to getting some things done to the house that we've not found the time to do with busy Summer schedules.
So, Summer you might be leaving us, but thanks to great family and friends, life is good no matter the season.
Talk at you all soon...John
Monday, August 11, 2008
Stealing your line Aretha
After cruising by one of my favorite South Providence sites (City Farm) we pulled up to the first playground we had passed and I was a little discouraged that the area for small toddlers was sand filled and not the new rubberized material. We had planned to go to breakfast after Sally's appointment and I didn't want Una to get too dirty. We walked into the playground nonetheless. We were greeted by a host of empty plastic juice bottles, empty plastic sleeves which formerly held frozen flavored ice, a couple of empty glass bottles...oh, and the lovely USED Pamper next to the teeter-totter. I carried Una to the swing and she swung for awhile. As I pushed Una thoughts of a blog raced through my head. I was pleased to see such a nice playground in the inner city, but disgusted by the state of it. I was torn as to how to properly voice my outrage about its state without offending someone. I put the thoughts aside and concentrated on enjoying the time with Una. We finished the swings, headed for the slide (six feet from the teeter-totter and the lovely used Pamper.) Una took one slide and I decided it was time to go. We could hit the other playground two blocks away. Una was NOT happy about leaving. Unlike me who focused on the filth, she focused on the fun items in front of her.
We arrived at the second playground which was more impressive than the first. Sponsorship signage abounded. Terrific. Donors thought enough to establish a modern playground in the inner city of Providence. It was one of those nice commercial grade Little Tike playgrounds, with the slides, rock walls, swinging bridges, rubber covered stairs just right for little toddlers, and the cushioned recycled rubber base should such a little toddler take a header. It was lovely...
Except for the graffiti written all over the plastic fire engine Una wanted to play on. I'm sure [fill-in the blank] is indeed hot and can provide a good time, but neither Una nor I really cared. I'm sure the next seven year old who can read will have wonderful questions for their accompanying parent. I was disgusted. In case you're not aware I HATE GRAFFITI. It seems to be everywhere in Providence. Even our new "I-Way" (relocation of a major highway interchange) is plastered with it before it's even finished. What a nice greeting to those visiting Rhode Island for the first time. I digress. I immediately thought of my youth and about how I treated things that were not mine. My parents instilled in me at a young age that you respected other people's property. Perhaps I was naive, but all I knew of graffiti when I was young was from pictures of NYC subway cars. I can't recall or imagine writing such vulgarity on a wall or a plastic fire engine designed for those not yet 3 feet tall. I thought about my youth and what might be synonymous with today's graffiti. It's a stretch, but all I could come up with was trying to carve JS + [some girl's initials] in a heart on a tree while camping when I was 12. I say"trying" because my little pocket knife was never sharp enough to make a dent in some majestic Ponderosa Pine. It's the thought that counts, though.
So, Una climbed, slid down the slide, crossed the swinging bridge (she's got my genes in that regard as the swinging bridge was one of my favorite things to run on at Disneyland). She had a grand time while I noticed more empty plastic juice bottles, empty plastic flavored frozen ice thing-a-ma-jigs, and the rest of the graffiti. No used Pampers here. In their place, however, was the nice 30-something gentleman in his bathrobe and slippers. I fully expected him to flash us, but he didn't. Instead he deposited his ass on the bench right next to the commercial grade Little Tikes structure Una was enjoying and lit up his wacky tobacky.
Come on Una...time to go.
"All I'm askin' is for a little Respect" and we're not finding it here.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Time. Where does it go?
Sally and I recently took the RIPTA ferry from Providence to Newport. This was an excellent and fun outing that our Office Manager (Robin) at work set up as the firm's Summer Outing. The plan was to take the ferry to Newport, enjoy the day in Newport with the Black Ships Festival ongoing, then ferry back to Providence. The event was planned for a Saturday in July which just happened to be in the midst of a five day heatwave. Knowing Una would not enjoy 8 hours in the stroller in Newport in 90+ weather, we decided that Nana and Gramps would get to enjoy Una for the day and Sally and I would enjoy some alone time.
Sally and Una have been able to spend lots of time at the beach with Nana this Summer. I usually get to join them on the weekends. Here's a recent pic of Una enjoying destroying a sandcastle.
Here's a cute picture of Una washing her face after making a mess. Thanks Nana for showing her how to pick and eat wine berries. :-)
And, lastly, here's a picture from last evening while I was doing some gardening. Sally snapped this photo as Una smiled for the neighbor Mrs. G.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Paradise Found
Saturday night we were closing in on the end of our vacation. Sally and I enjoyed a quiet glass of wine while overlooking the moonlit Westport harbor. I took out a piece of paper to write down all the memories from the previous 9 days. I had planned to blog as I go, but the time was better spent just enjoying the experience. Not blogging as I went reminds me of early video camera operation. You had your eye to the eyepiece pointed in one direction. You never got to experience what you were filming. While the blog now will probably be less detailed, I got to experience more by not opening up the notebook computer.
Here's the list as it's scribbled. It's in no specific order at this point. It was just thoughts that raced through my head as I started the list.
Paul Cuffee, T-House, fishing boats, beach, corny, fireworks, Georgia, no TV, Summer breeze, wine/beer cash register, ambulance, books, antique tractor, lobbies, dangerous surf (lock the door), Golden Finch, moon, Handy Hill, bookfaire, rummage sale, outdoor shower, sharing with friends, kite, bubbles, Cinderella / What a Mess, Grover/Eva/William, Jenn With Two Ns, Ashley camping, Marian gifts, crying -- Kisses/Hugs, hand written notes, Blackie, Woodkins.
So, where to start? Let's start with arrival day. Our vacation started on July 3rd. After packing lightly (we were only 35 miles from home so we knew we could run home if we forgot we had to feed the cat) we headed for the rental. We had toured it a few weeks ago, but personally, I only vaguely recalled the complete house. It's really a three season home. There is no heat other than what a nice fire would provide in the fireplace. (We had no need for a fire, btw.) It had four bedrooms, simple beach house style kitchen, a nice outdoor shower (used that daily). a terrific screened-in porch, and a wonderful view of sail boats moored in Westport Harbor.
We had invited a number of friends to visit on the 3rd, hoping some might enjoy staying over for the parade the following morning. Only Tom and Michele were able to join us, but just for the evening. We had a terrific evening with Sally's parents joining us for dinner (we initiated the new charcoal Weber Sally's dad had purchased earlier in the day). We had to relearn everything about grilling!!!. Grilled salmon, burgers (some veggie), dogs, and of course, littlenecks. Grilled littlenecks have to be one of my favorite grilled foods. And so damn simple, too. Throw them on the grill, close the lid, check them once in awhile. When they open they are done. Mmmmm. I don't know the whole story behind the salmon, but something about salmon and peas being a 4th of July tradition. Not being a pea guy, I've not paid too much attention to that. Maybe Sally can chime in on that. (Honey, that means you can post a comment or blog her, too) :-)
Now, don't worry, I'm not going to review the menu of every meal we had while on vacation. It was the first, and thus a memory. Anyway, on to the 4th!!!
It's Time for a Parade!!
It wasn't Bristol, RI and their 223rd continuous 4th of July Parade, but it was darn good just the same. Besides, I heard the Bristol parade was 4-1/2 hours long. As my mother-in-law would say, "I'd rather stick needles in my eyes." The Westport parade was as Goldilocks would say, "Just right". Goldilocks? Enter the Woodkins mentioned above. You see, Una discovered at the rental house this really nice wooden toy called Woodkins. The family we rented from has small children (not as young as Una) and Una was fascinated with the big kids toys and some of their books. The Woodkins were a favorite. One of the characters was Goldilocks. I digress. The parade was excellent although Una did not
Here a a couple of other pictures from the parade:

Nana all smiles (she always has that on when Una's around) and an inquisitive Una.
We could not have asked for better weather. During the parade it threatened rain, but held off. We even got to the beach the afternoon of the 4th. The only rain we had were a couple of nights. It was welcomed as it helped to clear out some of the humidity.
Did I mention the beach? We hit the beach evey day, but one, and that was by choice. Una loves the beach. Sally loves the beach. Nana LOVES the beach. I thoroughly enjoy the beach. I'm not one for laying around soaking up the sun, but I enjoy a good walk on the beach. I also enjoy frolicing in the water with Una. I've had success in Una coming to not fear the water. This can be a double edged sword. While I don't want her to fear the water, she has to learn to respect it. Sally reminded me of that one evening during our vacation. There can be dangerous riptides at the beach in Westport. Sally's summered her whole life at that beach and knows and experienced the dangers. While I know them, have not experienced them first hand. Sally was upset with me that I was not watching Una closely enough one day. She let me know how upset that evening. (it's the entry from the list entitled "dangerous surf (lock the door)". You might be wondering what lock the door has to do with dangerous surf. It's kind of simple. After Sally reminded me just how important it was to watch Una, then stormed off to bed, I reflected a bit about just how cautious I am about our daughter. I then proceeded to ensure the door was locked before retiring myself. It just struck me how the two concerns became linked.
I've been terribly delinquent in getting this post finished. I'm going to add a few more highlights of the trip then post.
We had a very nice visit with our friends Chris and Jen. They joined us for dinner, a night of catching up, then hit the beach with us the following morning. It was good to see them, and nice that they too could enjoy this wonderful spot.
We also got a chance to get together with Ellen and Bill. It had been way to long since we've seen them. They were gracious enough to invite us to see their remodeled home in Westport. It was a terrific evening. The remodel was terrific, the company the best, and Una loved Georgia. Every golden we see now is, "Georgia". :-) Oh, and Bill, you make the best Dark and Stormys.
I can't end this without mentioning the Church rummage sale and the Quaker book sale. Two events were were not going to miss. There were certainly bargains to be had at the rummage sale, and we now have another two boxes of books (mostly cookbooks) to sort through.
Lastly, here's an abbreviated version of an explanation of those items from the list above I have not touched on:
- Paul Cuffee: Real cool book that was in the home we rented. Seems Captain Cuffe was quite the Westporter. Nice story that his son wrote.
- T-House: The name of the house we stayed at. Every time Una approached the house she'd say, "T-house". She does so every time now as we drive nearby.
- Fishing boats: At the end of Main St is the Westport piers where many fishing boats tie up. As we walked Una in her stroller she always wanted to see, "fishing boats".
- Beach: Covered
- Fireworks: Oh, that was certainly a highlight I should have mentioned. Thanks to Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Nancy for inviting us to the 4th of July celebration. Una still walks around saying, "fireworks".
- Georgia: Covered
- No TV: Did I mentioned I lived without TV for 10 days? Yep. (well, I did spot a bit of Wimbledon as I waited at the base for a haircut).
- Summer breeze: The rental house is situated just right to almost always have a refreshing breeze.
- Wine/beer cash register: Quick story. As I was picking up a bottle of wine at the local Wine/Beer store the owner rang up my order, the cash register opened, and he walked over to grab a box or something. He came back and said, "Guess I couldn't do that in Fall River, huh?" It just struck me that Westport is that kind of place, one where you feel safe and trust your neighborhood.
- Ambulance: Like the Woodkins, Una found three Matchbox cars; a race car, a tow truck, and an "ambulance". She says is so cute, and says it to this day. Ambulances are now here favorite vehicles (well maybe second to "gabage truck").
- Books: Like the Paul Cuffe one I mentioned.
- Antique tractor: Una and I were in the yard on Sunday the 6th, when we hear this putt, putt, putt and look over the stone wall and see this antique tractor. The driver (with his son in his lap) sees us and hangs a U-ey, drives over to us to inquire about farming the field that was next to the house. It was a 1949 John Deere. We've passed on the info to the owners to see whether they'd like to see the field plowed in such a manner. I think it would be cool.
- Lobbies: We had lobsters for dinner one night with Nana and Gramps. Lobbies is the term Una uses to refer to to the real thing, as well as her stuffed lobster.
- Dangerous surf: Covered.
- Golden Finch: I was amazed at the number of Golden Finches I saw. They dart from bush to bush, tree to tree. They actually bounce. They flutter then glide. During each flutter you can hear their happy chirp.
- Moon: We went from a waxing crescent to more than half while on vacation. The last night Sally and I enjoyed the moonlit evening with a glass of wine.
- Handy Hill: A great creamery close by. Sadly, we never made it there while on vacation. We'll make up for it later this Summer.
- Bookfaire: Covered.
- Rummage sale: Covered.
- Outdoor Shower: I just love an outdoor shower. The one at our rental house was used daily. Only Una use the indoor tubby.
- Sharing with friends: Covered, but I'll reiterate, it was great to share our vacation with Michele and Tom, Jen and Chris, Ellen and Bill, and, of course, Nana and Gramps.
- Kite: I, in particular, had a blast flying Una's kite we purchased in Boulder, CO while visiting there earlier this year. What a blast. Una's still a bit young for a kite. She let go once, sending me scurrying to catch it before it ended up in the trees.
- Bubbles: Daddy and Una had fun making and catching bubbles.
- Cinderella / What a Mess: Two books Una enjoys over and over and over and...
- Jenn with Two Ns: I got an email while on vacation from my oldest daughter Jennifer. She's always been referred to as Jenn with two Ns. Here email came from her new domain -- Her soon to be blog will be there.
- Ashley camping: Being out of touch with limited phone and internet, I missed hearing how Ashley's (the youngest of my two older children) camping trip to MI went. I hope she had a good time. It certainly sounded like it was going to be fun.
- Marian gifts: When we went home to feed Pooter (our cat) on Wednesday there was a box from Marian with a B-Day gift for me, as well as a little something for everyone. Just another reminder of how lucky I am to be blessed with wonderful family. (Marian, here's Una enjoying the book you sent her.)
- Crying -- Kisses/Hugs: I probably shouldn't mention this one, but it meant alot to me. As I sat at the table Saturday night scribbling down the memories, the last three brought me to tears. If you've read this blog in the past you know how much I miss my girls. The same goes for my folks and my sister. Una sat across the table from me with this bewildered look on her face. What was making Dadda upset? She made her way around the table and gave Dadda kisses/hugs.
- Blackie: The large black stuffed bear at Nana's house, which made it's way to our rental house. Una just loves that bear!
- Woodkins: Covered
Well, there you have it. Our wonderful vacation to Paradise. I wish I had more time to explain it all in more detail. I want to savor it forever.
Here's one more picture which Sally took, that I absolutely love (click the pic to see a larger view. That's the Atlantic Ocean in the distance over my left shoulder. Unfortunately, you can also see a thinning spot in the back of my head) .
Friday, June 27, 2008
Taste Our SouthCoast

We had a terrific weekend enjoying time with Nana and Gramps on Saturday, with dinner at the Candlewood. Sally and I got to escape for drinks on The Back Eddy dock. Was a really nice evening for that.
Sunday was suppose to be a washout, but we awoke to bright sunshine. Time for a beach run. Sally and Nana get to the beach during the week, so when I was able to join them on the weekend, it was really alot of fun to see Una enjoy playing in the sand and searching for "treasures". Una's not done much with the water this year, but I got her to get her toes wet and eventually sit with me with the waves lapping at her. She got a little frightened when a larger wave crashed on her, more so when the wave retreated and she felt the pull as I held onto her. She's enjoying the water a little bit at a time.
Sunday afternoon we decided to take in a little local flavor. Sally had seen that New Bedford (did I mention we love New Bedford) was having it's annual Taste Our SouthCoast. Nana joined Sally, Una, and I for the trek to New Bedford. We enjoyed sampling lots of delicious local foods from various SouthCoast restaurants. We also got entertained by Entrain. They are quite good. I'd certainly see them again. Una seemed to like the percussion sessions and watching everyone dance.
We like to support small less commercialized local activities such Taste Our SouthCoast. It's not a touristy thing, but rather real neighbors coming together.
That's it for now. Sorry this was so delayed. I'll work on getting my blogging more timely.
What a storm
Wow!!! Tuesday I'm working in Warwick, RI and hear an occasional rumble of thunder most of the afternoon. Then about 4:30ish I get an email from Sally saying, "Holy Cow!" and describing the scene at our house. Seems we got pelted with hail.
I got home about 5:45 (a full two hours after the storm passed) and took the picture to the left showing the size of the hail. Yeah, yeah, it's not softball sized hail like they might have in the Midwest, but this is New England. We don't get hail like that.
I took a few more shots as another "wave" of thunderstorms was approaching. You can see
This next picture is just an example of the damage the hail did to most of our plants. The hostas in particular did not fair well.
The picture to the right show the damage done to our neighbor's kale. She lost almost all of her lettuce and kale. Needless to say, she was quite disappointed.
We'll have to wait to see how our veggies make out. They look pretty beat up.
Such is life "Living in Dabucket".
Monday, June 16, 2008
An Exciting Visit
We had a terrific visit with lots of time spent in Westport as Nana and Gramps needed a good dose of their grandson. We enjoyed BBQs on the deck, and some time at the beach. Both Una and Emmett learned from their Mom and Dad, respectively, what a sand crab was. Una refused to touch one. Nana got a special treat when Sally, Jeff and Jen, and myself all decided to enjoy the nice deck at The Back Eddy. It was nice for the four of us to be kidless. I think it was doubly nice that Nana got to enjoy and pamper her two grandchildren.
Jeff, Jen and Emmett were to leave today (I had to work), but their flight plans were delayed and thus changed. I understand Nana got another shot of "Emmett Time" as everyone was headed to East Ave Cafe for lunch. Yeah, I'm jealous.
We look forward to the next visit, whether in CO or RI/MA.