For weeks now Sally and I have been telling Una that Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jen, and Cousin Emmett would be visiting soon. She's been excited and practicing her "Jeff", "Jen" and "Emmie". While she's not yet master the Uncle and Aunt part (sometimes Jeff becomes Aunt Jeff), she's gotten the Emmie to be Emmett with two very distinct syllables.
We had a terrific visit with lots of time spent in Westport as Nana and Gramps needed a good dose of their grandson. We enjoyed BBQs on the deck, and some time at the beach. Both Una and Emmett learned from their Mom and Dad, respectively, what a sand crab was. Una refused to touch one. Nana got a special treat when Sally, Jeff and Jen, and myself all decided to enjoy the nice deck at
The Back Eddy. It was nice for the four of us to be kidless. I think it was doubly nice that Nana got to enjoy and pamper her two grandchildren.

Jeff, Jen, and Emmett left on Wednesday to enjoy some time in Boston and then to Maine for a friends wedding. They returned Sunday to celebrate Father's Day at our house. Una was quite excited to see her cousin. It was Jeff's first Father's Day and Nana and Gramps, of course, joined us for that celebration. Tuesday is Nana and Gramps' anniversary, as well as Jen's birthday, so we celebrated those special occasions, as well.

I got to do a little Emmett cuddling. I think I still have the good calming vibes as he seemed to enjoy his time with me.
Jeff, Jen and Emmett were to leave today (I had to work), but their flight plans were delayed and thus changed. I understand Nana got another shot of "Emmett Time" as everyone was headed to East Ave Cafe for lunch. Yeah, I'm jealous.

It was terrific to have family visit. It's a shame visits have to be so infrequent. Sally's a terrific host. I know she fretted over having everything perfect, but rest assured, it all was. Una...well I think she thoroughly enjoyed all the extra attention heaped on her, and she enjoyed having another little person around. She seemed to enjoy the "big girl" role, too.
We look forward to the next visit, whether in CO or RI/MA.
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