Friday, June 27, 2008

Taste Our SouthCoast

Gee, where does time go? I started this blog last Sunday and never got back to it.

We had a terrific weekend enjoying time with Nana and Gramps on Saturday, with dinner at the Candlewood. Sally and I got to escape for drinks on The Back Eddy dock. Was a really nice evening for that.

Sunday was suppose to be a washout, but we awoke to bright sunshine. Time for a beach run. Sally and Nana get to the beach during the week, so when I was able to join them on the weekend, it was really alot of fun to see Una enjoy playing in the sand and searching for "treasures". Una's not done much with the water this year, but I got her to get her toes wet and eventually sit with me with the waves lapping at her. She got a little frightened when a larger wave crashed on her, more so when the wave retreated and she felt the pull as I held onto her. She's enjoying the water a little bit at a time.

Sunday afternoon we decided to take in a little local flavor. Sally had seen that New Bedford (did I mention we love New Bedford) was having it's annual Taste Our SouthCoast. Nana joined Sally, Una, and I for the trek to New Bedford. We enjoyed sampling lots of delicious local foods from various SouthCoast restaurants. We also got entertained by Entrain. They are quite good. I'd certainly see them again. Una seemed to like the percussion sessions and watching everyone dance.

We like to support small less commercialized local activities such Taste Our SouthCoast. It's not a touristy thing, but rather real neighbors coming together.

That's it for now. Sorry this was so delayed. I'll work on getting my blogging more timely.
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What a storm

Wow!!! Tuesday I'm working in Warwick, RI and hear an occasional rumble of thunder most of the afternoon. Then about 4:30ish I get an email from Sally saying, "Holy Cow!" and describing the scene at our house. Seems we got pelted with hail.

I got home about 5:45 (a full two hours after the storm passed) and took the picture to the left showing the size of the hail. Yeah, yeah, it's not softball sized hail like they might have in the Midwest, but this is New England. We don't get hail like that.

I took a few more shots as another "wave" of thunderstorms was approaching. You can see from the picture on the left the eerie colors. Definite thunderstorm approaching (including more hail).

This next picture is just an example of the damage the hail did to most of our plants. The hostas in particular did not fair well.

The picture to the right show the damage done to our neighbor's kale. She lost almost all of her lettuce and kale. Needless to say, she was quite disappointed.

We'll have to wait to see how our veggies make out. They look pretty beat up.

Such is life "Living in Dabucket".

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Monday, June 16, 2008

An Exciting Visit

For weeks now Sally and I have been telling Una that Uncle Jeff, Aunt Jen, and Cousin Emmett would be visiting soon. She's been excited and practicing her "Jeff", "Jen" and "Emmie". While she's not yet master the Uncle and Aunt part (sometimes Jeff becomes Aunt Jeff), she's gotten the Emmie to be Emmett with two very distinct syllables.

We had a terrific visit with lots of time spent in Westport as Nana and Gramps needed a good dose of their grandson. We enjoyed BBQs on the deck, and some time at the beach. Both Una and Emmett learned from their Mom and Dad, respectively, what a sand crab was. Una refused to touch one. Nana got a special treat when Sally, Jeff and Jen, and myself all decided to enjoy the nice deck at The Back Eddy. It was nice for the four of us to be kidless. I think it was doubly nice that Nana got to enjoy and pamper her two grandchildren.

Jeff, Jen, and Emmett left on Wednesday to enjoy some time in Boston and then to Maine for a friends wedding. They returned Sunday to celebrate Father's Day at our house. Una was quite excited to see her cousin. It was Jeff's first Father's Day and Nana and Gramps, of course, joined us for that celebration. Tuesday is Nana and Gramps' anniversary, as well as Jen's birthday, so we celebrated those special occasions, as well. I got to do a little Emmett cuddling. I think I still have the good calming vibes as he seemed to enjoy his time with me.

Jeff, Jen and Emmett were to leave today (I had to work), but their flight plans were delayed and thus changed. I understand Nana got another shot of "Emmett Time" as everyone was headed to East Ave Cafe for lunch. Yeah, I'm jealous.

It was terrific to have family visit. It's a shame visits have to be so infrequent. Sally's a terrific host. I know she fretted over having everything perfect, but rest assured, it all was. Una...well I think she thoroughly enjoyed all the extra attention heaped on her, and she enjoyed having another little person around. She seemed to enjoy the "big girl" role, too.

We look forward to the next visit, whether in CO or RI/MA.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Clean Under Your Fingernails

More about the subject in a bit.

We had a really nice weekend kicked off with dinner at Siena on The Hill. It was a thank you dinner from my boss Tom to Sally and I, and Robin and Marvin, for the work we did in opening a new office late last year. Tom's wife Teresa joined us. It was great to get out for an adult night with friends.

Saturday we waited for the rain that was due any minute. You've probably guessed by that comment, that it never arrived. I did manage to get the lawn cut first thing in the morning. We also visited a day care as we're looking to get Una in on a part-time basis for the social interaction. She seemed to like the facilities we checked out, as well as the care-takers. We'll follow-up on that idea this week.

Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous day. Since Una made sure we were up early I decided it was time we built that raised garden I've talked about for 3 years. We also were motivated by the plants we'd purchased a couple of weeks ago at the Southside Community Land Trust. Since I had purchased the landscape timbers it should just be a matter of measure, cut, and assemble. Sally was kind enough to remind me, "Measure twice, cut once."

So, out comes the nice 10" compound miter saw (chop saw) that my in-laws had purchased for me for my birthday or Father's Day a couple of years ago. I'm happy to report, and I know Sally's thrilled, I still have all ten of my fingers. The cutting was as simple as I had expected it. Once assembled we had a nice 10' x 3' raised bed. It was time to head to HD for some top soil and some spikes to hold those timbers together. While we were there Sally picked out some nice plants for some planter boxes we had picked up previously.

As you can see from the picture to the left, Sally did a fantastic job with the planters.

Sally also did her fair share of the hauling of the top soil and the planting. (did I mention it took two HD trips and 24 bags of topsoil to fill in that raised bed?) Speaking of the planting, thanks to our neighbor Mrs. G. we now have an extra tomato plant, some lettuce, parsley, kale, and pumpkin. I can't wait to see all the plants and veggies grow throughout the Summer.

The afternoon was a visit to Westport to dine with Nana and Gramps. We had thought about taking a walk or SeaDog out for a cruise, but both Sally and I just wanted to veg. (Hauling topsoil is hard work, you know.) So, that's what we did. A relaxing afternoon / evening on the deck at Candlewood, including a great BBQ and too much desert (Nana's fault). Una enjoyed her time in the swing we'd gotten her a few weeks ago. It dangling from a strong tree branch in the back yard. She loves being outdoors and running around. She always sleeps well on Sunday nights. :-)

Oh, about that subject. It's just something I remember my Mom always saying to me after playing in the dirt. As I cleaned up after the planting session, it struck me and I immediately knew I had my blog subject.

Until next week (or perhaps sooner). Jeff, Jen and Emmett arrive Saturday and we are really looking forward to their visit. Something tells me Nana and Gramps are, too.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

It's Not My Fault

"What? You feed me spaghetti-O's, this is what you get. "
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