Well, we finally had a nice weekend where we could get outside and do some work in the yard. Oh, did I mention we got a nice fence to keep our little
Bucketeer safe? Yep. A nice stockade fence in the back for a little privacy and a nice picket from the garage to the house. Una now enjoys running freely around the backyard.
Saturday the Three
Bucketeers hit
HD for a few necessities; shrubs to go against the new stockade fence, a new
screendoor for the back door, and a very cool pedestal sink for a later project. Oh, and landscape timbers as I want to build a raised bed in the garden. Believe it or not the rest of Saturday was spent on installing that damn
screendoor. It could not have been more difficult --
Geez!!! While I slaved away at the door, Sally took care of scraping and repainting the two
Andirondack chairs. They look great. The
screendoor was completed close to 6pm, but I must say, it looks great. It adds
alot to the rear entrance to the house.
Sunday was also a nice day so we spent about an hour or so Sunday morning painting the stockade fence.
Chatham Fog is the color. We think it looks pretty good. After cleanup it was off to
Westport to enjoy the afternoon with Nana and "
Gamps". It was so nice that we were able to grill and
eat on the deck. Fun time. Oh, and Una just loved her new
BigBird. Thanks, Nana.
All in all a good weekend. If feels good to do something with your hands. Very rewarding. More work to be done in the yard, and I'm already looking forward to next weekend (or a little evening work).
That's it for now...John