Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas, Jenn and Ashley
Each year I get excited about setting up the tree. Sally and I have some wonderful ornaments we've gathered over our few years together. Hanging them brings out some great memories of the wonderful times we had gathering them, and the great places we've been fortunate to visit. This year is even more special as Una is old enough to appreciate what is happening. She's excited about Santa, and enjoyed seeing the different ornaments as we pulled them out of the storage boxes. Since she's told not to touch the tree, she's so cute in leaning in to smell it.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Mmmmm...fresh snow

Mmmmm...fresh snow
Originally uploaded by The Three Bucketeers
I'm just testing the posting of a photo from Flickr to our blog.
This is a cute picture of Una when we had our first snow (12/7) of the year. She really enjoyed it. She's giggling here because she was eating the snow and Sally was telling her how she likes to eat snow, too.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Una's Womb Diary
I Have A Heartbeat! - Thursday, March 02, 2006
I was naked as a jaybird and a wonderful ultrasound technician showed me off to Mom and Dad. They got to see my heart beat at about 170 beats per minute. Mom and Dad cried. I got my first line on the height chart. I'm 2.4cm tall. Oh, yeah, I'm 9w0d today.
2nd Doctor Visit - Thursday, March 16, 2006
Mom and Dad went to the doctor's again today. The doctor asked a few questions then poked and prodded a bit. Something about wanting to hear my heartbeat. The doc found it immediately with a thing called a doppler. The doctor was happy that my heart was beating strongly and at the right pace for my young age. Mom and Dad were quite relieved to hear it. I overheard them say they'd be back in two weeks to listen again. I'll be bigger and stronger then. Oh, yeah, it was my birthday today. I was 11w0d.
Mom was so happy to hear my heart beating that she and Dad treated themselves to a shopping spree. Mom bought lots of new clothes for when I make her present ones a bit to tight. :-)
Doctor Appointment - Thursday, March 30, 2006
We went to the doctor's office again today. Seemed like a different place, but I overheard Mom & Dad mentioning that our doctor has multiple offices. Someone poked me a bit and I squiggled away, but I could tell by Mom and Dad's reaction that they heard my heart beating again. 150-160 beats per minute the doc said to Dad. Right on course. I'm 13w0d today and the doc said I've moved into the second trimester -- whatever that is.
Today's my eldest half-sister birthday. Happy Birthday, Jenn. You, too, Ashley. Dad mentioned yours was on Monday. I can't wait to meet you both.
Vacation - Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Well, I went on my first vacation this weekend. Mom & Dad had a relaxing time on
Ultrasound Showed It's A Girl!!!!! - Friday, May 05, 2006
Well, well, secret's out. I'M A GIRL!!!
My heart's beating about 140 beats per minute. I have a couple of nice kidneys, all four chambers of my heart, good looking heart valves, too. I have lots of room to roll around in here. That will change I hear as I grow even bigger.
I've been letting Mom know I'm here a few times a day. Nothing too noticeable, but something just the same. I'll give her more notice as I get bigger.
Happy Cinco de Mayo.
Letting them know I'm here - Thursday, June 08, 2006
I entered my 23rd week today. Mom and Dad always get a kick out of the weekly milestones. I've been letting Mom know I'm doing fine with a kick here and there. She's even had Dad try to feel, but I'm just not strong enough yet to kick that hard. Patience, Dad. :-)
Dad felt me move - Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I had a quiet day today as Mom and Nana strolled the beach. Figured I'd keep quiet for the day. Of course, I let Mom know I was doing okay with a few stretches and kicks around dinner time. Dad tried to feel my kicks, but I like to tease him and went quiet. Mom went to bed and I decided it was time to let Dad in on Mom and my secret. I was kicking away and Mom grabbed Dad's hand and put it on her growing belly. One good kick and Dad was a bundle of smiles. Mom, too. I continued for just a bit and Dad felt another one. Mom and Dad seem happy. I guess they are just glad to know I'm doing okay. I like it in here, but it is definitely getting more crowded as I grow. I'm looking forward to October, as I know Mom and Dad are.
Dad stressing? - Monday, July 24, 2006
Dad took a peek today at the pregnancy calendar and realized there were only 73 more days until I'm due. I think he's starting to stress. He told Mom he has lots of work to do in my room. Wallpaper, paint, light fixture. I don't think I'll really be to worried about that stuff for awhile. I sure hope Mom picks a nice decor for me. I'm quite certain she will.
Chill Dad. :-)
49 Days!!!! - Thursday, August 17, 2006
I'm due to bust out of here in 49 days. I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the world. It's becoming a tight squeeze in here. I think Mom will be happy to hold me on the outside, too.
Mom and Dad are really starting to get excited. They seem worried, however, whether they'll have everything ready. Mom & Dad are picking up my stroller today. They ordered a really comfy glider. Mom tried out many. I think Mom and I will spend lots of time in that chair. Dad asked this morning if he too could enjoy some quality time with me in it.
Well, I'll check in again in a few weeks. I heard they were going to take more pictures of me at the week 36 ultrasound.
Gee, this is tough - Saturday, September 30, 2006
Only five more days until my scheduled arrival. I'm working hard and growing. I've been giving Mom a hard time as I'm trying get myself in position to join the world. It's a little cramped in here. Can't wait to breathe some fresh air (do that have that in RI?)
Dad's talked to me about how nice my nursery looks. He says Mom did a GREAT job in decorating. I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing all the wonderful things there.
Hopefully my next note will be to tell you I made my grand entrance.
I Was Born! - Monday, October 02, 2006
I busted out early. WooHoo!!! I ruptured Mom's membranes at 6:45pm on October 1st. Oh my gosh, my safe little womb started contracting like crazy. Mom called the nice doctor who said to get home, get your bag, and get to the hospital as he was there. Dad drove with both hands on the wheel (quite unusual for him I've heard). Arrived safely at the hospital at 8pm and I was born at 2:41am on October 2nd.
I don't know what this means, but they told me I scored a 9-9. Mom and Dad are sure happy!!!